Main Street Iowa Challenge Grants are available for brick and mortar building projects that contribute to the development of designated Main Street Iowa districts. Highly competitive applications include:
- Impactful building rehabilitation projects that provide increased business, housing or job opportunities.
- Projects that incorporate quality design and preservation-based strategies.
- Projects that support local revitalization efforts and stimulate additional district investment.
- Projects that are well planned and achievable within the two-year grant contract period.
Project Eligibility
Eligible Projects
- Building Rehabilitation, including, but not limited to:
- Facade improvements (front, rear, and side)
- Interior Rehabilitation (first floor commercial and upper story housing)
- Structural repairs and building system improvements
- Single specific phase of a large rehab. The project must have a specific defined focus and clearly identified scope of work, with commitment to future phases demonstrated.
- Impactful improvements to multiple properties with a common need. Properties must be contiguous and have common ownership.
Ineligible Projects
- Projects involving public government buildings or religious facilities; building demolition or deconstruction, or first floor storefront residential (including short term / overnight lodging)
Program Details
- Maximum grant awards will be $100,000. Minimum grant awards will be no less than $25,000
- A 1:1 match is required. In-kind contributions are permitted for no more than 35% of the project match. In-kind match must be documented, professional services.
- Building project must be located within the local Main Street District boundaries as of January 1, 2024
- The local Main Street program must be the grant applicant on behalf of the property owner(s). Only one application per local Main Street program is allowed.
- Application are available online at
Application Timeline
June 24, 2024 | Grant Opportunity Opens |
August 9th, 2024 | HCV Grant Application Due |
September 6, 2024 | Grant Application Due |
November 7, 2024 | Award Announcement |
Consult with Brian ( regarding application requirements, selection process details and program deadlines.
Questions regarding program eligibility and applications can be directed to Sarah Lembke, Design Coordinator, at or 515.348.6181.